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Sets offer more savings to you over individual piece purchases plus they give you a well rounded group of cookware so you always have the proper size.

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Chefs Choice
13 7 inch Saute Skillet 14B 10 inch Sauté Skillet 40 Square Griddle $559
Classic Set
KC 4 Qt Slo Cooker w/base
4 Qt. Slo Cooker w/ base Fantastic for soups, casseroles and stews. Whole chicken, roasts. $559
KC 5 Piece Bakeware Set
So your tired of store bought cookies, pies and cakes. We have the solution for you. A fantastic, marvelous set of bakeware that will shock Mom and Grandma on how your baked goods are better than theirs (unless their already using our bakeware then your on your own). 1 Pie Pan 2 Cake Pans 1 Large Cookie Sheet 1 9X13 inch Bake/Roast Pan $679
KC 8 Piece Bakeware
The best Bake Collection we have ever has it all. Amazing to bake with and you will be the envy of all your friends and neighbors and in-laws. 1 Jelly Roll Pan/All Purpose Pan 1 Loaf Pan 1 Medium Cookie Sheet 1 Large Cookie Sheet 1 9X13 Bake and Roast Pan 9 inch Round Cake Pans Qty 2 10 inch Pie Pan $1,099
Deluxe Set 10 1 Quart with Cover 11 2 Quart Saucier 12 3 Quart with Cover 14 8.5 inch Saute Skillet 14A 10 inch Saute Skillet 16 6 Quart Stock Pot with Cover 22 12 inch Large Skillet with Cover 26 10 inch Large Dome Cover 36 10 inch Freedom Skillet with Cover 41. All in One Pan A Cookbook C Americraft Cleanser D. Panhandler $3,499
KC Large Cookie Sheet
This is a must in my kitchen. It makes the best cookies, biscuits or rolls bar none. It will NOT twist or flip while in the oven so everything cooks evenly. It measures 17 1/2'' X 14 1/2'' $189
KC Square Griddle
Grilled Cheese sandwiches, pancakes or ring eggs(like Mickey D's) $325
KC Works Set for Lubbock Fair only. 10 1 Quart with Cover 11A 2 Quart Saucier 12 3 Quart with Cover 14A 10 inch Sauté Skillet 15 12 inch Saute Skillet 16 6 Quart Stock Pot with Cover 17 8 Quart Stock Pot with Cover 22 12 inch Large Skillet with Cover 24 Wok w/Cover 26 10 inch Large Dome Cover 27 Jelly Roll Pan/All Purpose Pan 28 Loaf Pan 30 Large Cookie Sheet 31 9X13 Bake and Roast Pan 36 10 inch Freedom Skillet with Cover 41 All in One Pan A Americraft Cleanser C Cookbook D Panhandler $6,999
Kitchen Kutter Set
This salad cutter is the fastest multi-cutter I've ever encountered. Also, the fastest cheese grater on the market. Hash brown potatoes come out terrific. Use this cutter for carrot/raisin salad, potato pancakes, coleslaw, pizza toppings or anything else that you can come up with. $395
A Custom Set - SEE NOTES
You may build a Custom Set by using the Notes box to tell us what you would like to put on Layaway. Cost of the Custom Set does not show here. $0
The 3 Piece Bake Collection
Three great pieces of bakeware for the family that doesn’t make pies or cakes, but likes to make meatloaf, zucchini bread, jelly rolls and cookies. Loaf pan Jelly Roll pan Medium Cookie Sheet $419
The 5 Piece Bake Collection
So your tired of store bought cookies, pies and cakes. We have the solution for you. A fantastic, marvelous set of bakeware that will shock Mom and Grandma on how your baked goods are better than theirs (unless their already using our bakeware then your on your own). $679
Stahl Knife Set
Five knives and block $579
6 QT. Gourmet Cooker upgrade only
6 QT. Gourmet Cooker upgrade only $150



