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Buying salmon is confusing.



Buying salmon is confusing.

Buying salmon is confusing. So we looked into it — 

and tasted different varieties


Salmon is confusing. On a visit to the fish counter, I see several 

kinds: a farmed salmon from Norway that is pale with thin 

stripes of fat (last week a similar farmed salmon came from 

Iceland), a wild Alaskan salmon that’s marked “previously 

frozen,” and is 10 shades redder than the Norwegian, and twice 

the price. Then there’s the Faroe Islands salmon that I keep 

noticing on restaurant menus, but hardly ever spot at the 

market. I hear about farmed North Atlantic salmon from Eastern 

Canada, and, in fact, I’d rather buy as local as possible, but that, 

too, isn’t widely available.

“Salmon now is like cod back in the ’70s. It’s on everybody’s 

menu,” says Kim Marden of Captain Marden’s Seafoods, a 

Wellesley-based retailer and wholesaler. 

The coral-colored fish, says Legal Sea Foods executive chef 

Rich Vellante, who oversees 34 restaurants, is one of their most 

popular menu items. He has sampled it in blind tastings to come

 up with the source the company uses right now (more on that 

later) and cooks use a high-heat method of cooking it quickly to 

keep it juicy.

When the industry gathers at the Seafood Expo North America 

on March 17 (until March 19) at the Boston Convention and 

Exhibition Center, 265 of the expected 1,300-plus exhibits will 

feature salmon, both smoked and fresh.

Because of its fat content, fresh salmon is forgiving, which is 

ideal for both the home cook and the caterer. You can leave it in 

the oven a minute or two too long — something you can’t do 

with a white fish such as haddock or halibut — and salmon will 

still be moist. The fish is ubiquitous on wedding, bar mitzvah, 

and other celebration menus. When you fill out the RSVP card 

that says “chicken or fish,” or whatever the meat protein is, 

along with a seafood choice, you’re probably going to be served 

salmon. It looks pretty on the plate and most people, even those 

who don’t like other fish, will eat it.

We made and tasted more than half a dozen salmon that you’re 

likely to see in your fish case. Wild North Atlantic salmon is no 

longer fished commercially so everything marked North Atlantic 

is farmed. We sampled salmon from Eastern Canada, Norway, 

Iceland, British Columbia, Scotland, and the Faroe Islands, 

which are between Norway and Iceland; we also tasted wild 

Sockeye salmon from Alaska.

All of the farmed salmon looks similar — that familiar pinkish 

color with fat stripes in a zig-zag pattern. Only the Sockeye 

stands out for its intensely deep hue.

Salmon aquaculture began over 30 years ago in Norway. Among 

the early complaints was overcrowding in net pens floating in 

the sea, where the fish are usually raised. Consumer and 

environmental groups have questioned farming practices, citing 

pollution, use of antibiotics, and other concerns, which have 

been addressed with varying degrees of success over the years,

 says Marden, whose wholesale arm distributes to 300 

restaurants. “A lot of lessons have been learned about what are 

good practices and what are poor practices,” he says.

Vellante of Legal’s says there are many farms that are poorly run

 and he thinks it’s important that companies buying fish should 

thoroughly investigate its source.

Wholesaler Wulf’s Fish in Boston works with its sister company, 

CleanFish, to import salmon from premier farms they chose 

because of careful practices. One is Loch Duart farm on the 

northwest coast of Scotland; on its website, Loch Duart shows 

photos from chefs around the world who use its fish. The other 

is Norway’s Salten Aqua salmon, which gets a top rating from 

Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch, a ranking based on 

environmental practices.

Farmed salmon is fed the local fish in the waters in which it’s 

raised. One of the things that produces good tasting fish is the 

base of the feed, says Marden. In every region of the world 

where salmon is farmed, “the base of what you feed it is 

indigenous to the area.” Farmed salmon in Maine or Eastern 

Canada, for instance, are getting herring. In Norway and 

Scotland, it’s krill (tiny fish that look like shrimp).

Even so, salmon from Norway and Scotland can taste quite 

different, explains Marden, depending on what else is added to 

the formula, how much the fish are getting, the conditions in 

the water, and other aquaculture practices.

In the tasting, our two favorites were Wester Ross from Scotland

 and HiddenFjord from Faroe Islands (see accompanying story).

Faroe Islands is connected to a bit of controversy. Villagers in 

the remote islands, which are part of Denmark, carry out a 

centuries-old ritual of slaughtering pilot whales at the edge of 

the sea for meat and blubber, a practice international 

environmental groups have tried to halt for years.

Marden won’t weigh in on the Faroe whale tradition. Legal Sea 

Foods, which served Faroe salmon for a time, cannot support 

the whaling practices, says Vellante, so set about finding a 

substitute. In addition, they also saw too much Faroe salmon on 

the market and wanted to have something that was exclusively


After a tasting, Legal’s settled on Lochlander salmon from 

Scotland, which has been on all its menus for six months. “We 

were really impressed with the way it was raised,” says Vellante,

 who describes the salmon as “buttery with some meatiness.” 

The fish grows in the Western Highlands in rough waters, says 

the chef, which makes them swim harder and develop flavor. He 

thinks Lochlander, which takes three years to raise (some farms 

take less than two) is the closest farmed salmon to wild.

So if you want salmon, you’re buying with your pocketbook, 

your taste preferences, and your conscience. Did you think 

salmon was confusing before?

Here’s what we found:

Here are the tasting results with the prices I paid on the day I 

bought the salmon, all of it as fillets, with the skin intact on 

most. I set the fish skin side down in a baking dish, brushed the 

unskinned side with oil, sprinkled it with salt and pepper, and 

slid it under a broiler for 6 minutes (it can take up to 8). The 

internal temperature should reach 145 degrees. There are many 

farms in each region; we tasted some of what was available on 

the retail market.

Norway and Scotland salmon were on opposite ends of the taste 

spectrum. Norway salmon ($9.99/pound at Whole Foods 

Market, fish from Kvaroy Fish Farm) is what I think of as 

“wedding salmon.” This is what you get at events. The fish has 

big, deep, pink flakes, it’s moist, and if you close your eyes, you 

could be eating any mild fish. It has little salmon flavor.

The Scottish salmon we tasted ($14.95/pound at Captain 

Marden’s, raised at Wester Ross Fisheries) is everything salmon 

should be: perfect moist texture, delicious flavor that tastes of 

the sea, almost buttery. This topped our list of favorites, along 

with Faroe Islands.

Faroe Islands salmon ($14.99/pound at Marden’s, from 

HiddenFjord), tastes fattier than the Scottish, but not the least 

bit strong, with a dense, appealing texture. This fish and 

Scottish salmon tasted the best.

Iceland salmon ($8.99/pound at Whole Foods), a pale, almost 

pink, color, melts as you eat it; but the texture is too soft and 

the taste unremarkable.

Farmed Eastern Canada salmon ($12.99/pound at Captain 

Marden’s) is a little chewy, mild to the point of being bland. It’s 

a little dry and doesn’t flake easily.

Organic farmed King salmon from British Columbia 

($25/pound at Captain Marden’s) is shiny with very white fat 

streaks. It has a mild salmon-y taste with a beautiful, firm 

texture. We didn’t think it was worth the premium price. (Note: 

Though this is farmed, it’s King salmon, not North Atlantic 


Wild Alaska Sockeye ($14.99/pound at Whole Foods

previously frozen) is very dark, almost red, with lean, firm flesh 

that seems meaty. It has more flavor than farmed, but the dense 

texture isn’t winning.

Wild Alaska Sockeye ($11.99/pound at Trader Joe’s, frozen) 

isn’t as red as its Whole Foods counterpart; it’s dry and has 

little flavor.

By Sheryl Julian Globe Correspondent 

March 11, 2019




