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Eggs Old or New



Eggs Old or New
Fresh versus old eggs 
The rule that I was given by the Michigan extension service home ec dept, is that when you place an egg in the bottom of the cup filled with water, it will do one of three things: 

1. It will lay horizontally on the bottom of the cup. This means it is Fresh.
2. The egg you lay on its side, flat, horizontally, will turn heads up, but will remain sitting on the bottom of the cup, sitting vertically. This means it is a little older, but is still usable.
3. You lay the egg flat on the bottom of the cup, it will rise to the top and float. This indicates that there's a lot of air in the egg, so you know the egg is older. Eggs that rise to the top are not suitable to use or eat. Throw them out.

A 2 to 4 cup measuring cup is good for this test. You want to be able to have a couple of inches of water to cover over the top of the egg when you place it in the cup, You want to see clearly that it rose up to float on top of the water.

I hope this helps. 




