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Health Advise



Health Advise
The typical Western diet of highly processed, energy-dense, high-glycemic foods causes blood sugar (blood glucose) to rise dramatically, which then causes insulin levels to rise. But that in turn causes blood sugar to plummet, resulting in cravings and a cycle of poor eating patterns that lead to obesity and disease. (Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson)

Diet Companies Sure Don't Want People to Know About This
Real Tricks to Shed Fat Like Melting Butter.
It's Not Hard if You do it Smart

Slim Seduction is too expensive. This Method Melts Fat Like Butter. Spring is HERE- no more procrastination!

Why take pills or buy dehydrated food when you can eat the food you like and still shed fat at top speed? Slim Seduction and sites like Nutri Systems are fine if you are totally helpless and have a bunch of money to spare. However, a Ketogenic Diet is much more effective than a plain old fashioned diet. And it's very inexpensive. You'll learn how to burn fat for fuel with this diet borrowed from the bodybuilding world.

Zig Ziglar





